16 February 2011

This Stout Will be the Bomb

More specifically, an Irish car bomb.  Hopefully that is.  I found a recipe online for an Irish car bomb stout, but it was pretty advanced.  I have no idea if it would taste right, especially with my limited knowledge.  So I browsed Austin Homebrew's website, and stumbled on a clone recipe for Guinness draught.  Bingo, I had my base for the carbomb stout.  The recipe online called for two whole vanilla beans, sliced in half lengthwise, then halved to be soaked in 1-2 cups of Jameson whiskey all throughout primary fermentation, and to be introduced into the mix for secondary.  Sounded easy enough, so I purchased the ingredient kit, and now it's at my house.

My plans are set for Friday, and the weekend can't get here soon enough.

Here's the recipe as I think I'm going to follow it.  The only difference may be to add a small amount of cocoa powder to the Jameson/vanilla mixture to get more of the chocolate milk flavor from a car bomb, as well as possibly a bit of vanilla extract since I'll only be soaking the beans for a week, as opposed to two weeks per the online recipe.  I'll have to taste it as it moves along to see what I think.

Per my planning, the bottles should be ready to crack open on the day of the Final Four.

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