1) Carbomb stout has carbed, and it is glorious... I've given a few bottles out to beer drinkers with different tastes, and feedback has been overwhelmingly good. Personally, I think I could do better, but I suppose that's why 'they' say that you're your own harshest critic. I drank my first bottle of it, looking for the carbomb taste, which I can best describe from memory as a solid stout taste, with a vanilla taste, followed by a chocolate milk aftertaste, and a background hint of the whiskey. What I experienced was a very good Irish stout, with a subtle hint of something at the end of the taste. I knew what it was, so I was able to recognize it pretty instantly as the whiskey, but other tasters that I've talked to have told me that if they hadn't known it was whiskey, they wouldn't have been able to place it, but they all could taste 'something else' in there. I've only had 2 additional people taste the beer, and each one has asked for some of it, if I ever brew it again. So that's something...
I tried a second bottle, knowing that I wasn't going to get the taste I was looking for, but instead, to just taste the beer, and see if it's good. It is. It is very good. I'm very happy with it, and I'm looking forward to brewing it again.
(Not the greatest pour...)
2) I'm expanding. My two brewing friends and I are pitching in together to buy more equipment and recipes, and our first order is on the way. We are getting 2 additional 5 gallon carboys, expanding fermenting capacity to 20 gallons at a time, as well as two new recipes to fill them with.
The first recipe is a honey-hibiscus wit, which sounds pretty tasty as a Spring seasonal. The second, which I'm a little intimidated by, but looking forward to at the same time, is a clone of Dogfish Head's 90 Minute IPA.
I've been researching all-grain brewing, and I'm starting to plan for some equipment in the near future, but in the meantime, I'm sticking with extract brewing.
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