08 February 2011

The Big Time

I brewed my first extract beer about a week ago.

It's a Brewers's Best Kolsch, and it's currently in secondary fermentation.  There's a lot of debate around saying that secondary isn't needed anymore, but I went ahead with it.  I wanted to see what all aspects there were to brewing more advanced stuff.  It's a nice color, and seems to be moving along nicely.  There was a significant amount of blowoff at first, and it popped an airlock off of my carboy.  I had to attach a tube to the carboy, rather than the airlock for a few days to keep it under control without spilling all over.

A friend and I are going to attempt to brew an Irish car bomb stout in time for the March Madness final.  It's going to be a clone of Guinness draught, and Jameson and vanilla introduced in the secondary fermentation.  It sounds pretty tasty, and I'm looking forward to it.

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